Friday, 21 July 2017

Selection list of candidates under SRO 202 dated 30.06.2015 for the post of Translator-Cum-Newspaper Reader (Information Department), Divisional Cadre Jammu vide Item No. 027 (01 OF 2015, dated 07.04.2015).

INTERVIEW NOTICE of the shortlisted candidates having qualified the objective Type written test held on 02nd April, 2017 for various posts (FEMALE MULTIPURPOSE HEALTH WORKER, MALE MULTIPURPOSE HEALTH WORKER, ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT, ASSISTANT CAMERAMEN, COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, DESIGNER, ELECTRICIAN, HEALTH EDUCATOR, JR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS, JR. SUPERVISOR/SUB-AUDITOR, KEY PUNCHING OPERATOR, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN AND TELEPHONE OPERATOR) shall be conducted as per the schedule containing Date / Venue and full particulars of the candidate(s) indicated at Annexure-A & B of this notice

Filling up of the MBBS/BDS seats in the Medical/Dental Colleges - online counselling thereof (UPDATED) - No-076-19072017-02-NN-SC

Filling up of the seats in the CET (Bachelor of Engineering Courses) 2017-Online Counselling thereof and extension date for submission of State Subject and Category certificate upto 22nd of July, 201 - No-077-20072017-02-PN-SC (

Notification: regarding Date wise Schedule of written test for various posts advertised by J&K KVIB issued by Controller of Examinations.